Coach Tournament Registration 2024
Sat 30 Mar 2024 06:00 — Sat 30 Nov 2024 23:00
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
This is for BQ registered coaches that are going to corner fighters at any and all BQ sanctioned events in 2024
- All coaches must be registered with BQ to enter the field of play to corner.
- Coaches must be nominated and have their name checked off before every tournament.
- Coaches must have:
- Min BRONZE LEVEL (L1) coaches accreditation - current
- A copy of this must be uploaded; see options below
- some will have the old physical card - take photo and upload that.
- some will have the new digital card, take a screen shot and add that.
- For those that don't have or can't find either of the above you can go to the BA website and search your credentials (click the link below), take a screen shot and add that
- Accreditation finder - Boxing Australia
- If you cannot find your name when you search, it means you do not have a current accreditation and you will not be able to corner until you obtain it.
- A copy of this must be uploaded; see options below
- Current Blue card, linked to Boxing Qld.
- Take a photo of your card and upload it below.
- It is a requirement that you have a physical card, however if you don't you can order a replacement card via the blue card website
- Registered as a club coach (if you are not the club affiliate) with an affiliated Boxing Qld Club.
- If you are the club affiliate you do not have to register as a coach as well. YOU ARE ALREADY REGISTERED WITH BQ - Do not change your membership from club affiliate to club coach, this will de-regsiter your club!
- Min BRONZE LEVEL (L1) coaches accreditation - current
All coaches will receive an armband or similar, at weigh in or before each tournament commences.
- it must be fitted to your wrist it cannot be lose.
- The ref will check coaches armbands pre bout, if your armband is not fitted or you don't have 1 you will be asked to leave the field of play.
If you are not on the list of nominated coaches you will not receive an armband and not be permitted in the field of play.
If any of the above is missing or incorrect, you will not be permitted to corner until it has been rectified and or updated. Do not show up to a tournament expecting to corner if you have not followed the above process correctly.